Silence In Heaven Musical Soundtrack – DOWNLOAD


The music on this CD was inspired by the novel “Silence In Heaven” which is the first in a trilogy written by Peter Lord-Wolff, published by Tom Doherety Associates. Critics and readers world-wide are praising Lord-Wolff’s debut novel. The epic tale chronicles the Earthly existence of the fallen angel Tashum and his mythic quest to solve a mystery in Heaven from a place on Earth.



The music on this CD was inspired by the novel “Silence In Heaven” which is the first in a trilogy written by Peter Lord-Wolff, published by Tom Doherety Associates. Critics and readers world-wide are praising Lord-Wolff’s debut novel. The epic tale chronicles the Earthly existence of the fallen angel Tashum and his mythic quest to solve a mystery in Heaven from a place on Earth. If you have trouble with downloading the music, please send an email to

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